Membership Levels & Requirements
The Texas Public Purchasing Association (TxPPA) welcomes new members and encourages participation from all facets of state and local government. TxPPA members represent cities, counties, schools, colleges, universities, special districts, and state agencies.
We invite all Texas public purchasing professionals to join and further themselves professionally and contribute to efficient and effective public purchasing in Texas.
Our membership runs from January 1 through December 31st.
*For-profit suppliers of goods or services (vendors) that market to or may potentially provide goods and services to a public agency are not eligible for membership.
For more information on membership and eligibility requirements, please contact us at [email protected]. We will be happy to answer any questions.
We invite all Texas public purchasing professionals to join and further themselves professionally and contribute to efficient and effective public purchasing in Texas.
Our membership runs from January 1 through December 31st.
*For-profit suppliers of goods or services (vendors) that market to or may potentially provide goods and services to a public agency are not eligible for membership.
For more information on membership and eligibility requirements, please contact us at [email protected]. We will be happy to answer any questions.
Member Types:
- Agency Membership - if member dues are paid by your employer, choose this category. Membership is assigned to the employee, but the membership stays with the agency should the employee leave.
- $95 Annually
- Individual Membership - if member dues are paid personally by you, choose this category. The individual retains the membership should they move to another employer.
- $95 Annually
- Associate Membership - an associate membership may be held by any person indirectly involved in public sector or non-profit purchasing and meeting certain job-related criteria. (Examples of eligible employment positions include elected officials, department heads or employees in related fields, judges, commissioners, treasurers, auditors, financial officers, city managers, and other categories.) For-profit suppliers of goods or services that market to or may potentially provide goods and services to a member’s agency shall not be eligible for Associate membership.
- $95 Annually
- Student Membership - any full-time college student majoring in Business or Purchasing. Student Member status may only be approved by the Board of Directors.
- $15 Annually
- Retired Membership - any prior individual or agency member of the Association, retired from active employment, upon payment of the annual retired membership fee, is eligible for membership in the Association.
- $15 Annually
- Lifetime Membership - Lifetime Membership candidates must be persons who have retired from active employment, former members of Texas Public Purchasing Association, or non-members who have made distinguished contributions to the purchasing profession and the Texas Public Purchasing Association. Nominations for Lifetime membership may be made by any member in good standing at any time. Lifetime Member status may only be approved by the Board of Directors.
- No Annual Fee
Join Now
*For transfer memberships, or additions to agencies with current memberships, please contact us at [email protected] before proceeding!